Saturday, May 27, 2017

Teacher Evaluations
The core purpose of Teacher Assessment and Evaluations should be to improve knowledge, skills, dispositions, and classroom practices of professional educators. The Assessment and Evaluations are done to contribute to Teachers’ Professional Growth and set the stage for improvements in teaching and learning.
According to the Rubric developed by InTASC, (Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium, there are 10 Model Core Teaching Standards:
1.      Learner Development
2.      Learner Differences
3.      Learning Environments
4.      Content Knowledge
5.      Application of Content
6.      Assessment
7.      Planning for Instruction
8.      Instructional Strategies
9.      Professional Learning and Ethical Practice
10.  Leadership and Collaboration.
According to the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System, the Category of 50% Student growth and 50% of the teacher evaluations. They also have an alternative system of evaluation, but it does or does not include Special Education Students.Their Alternative Teacher Evaluation system is 50% student growth, 35% Teacher Evaluation and 15% of other methods.

Louisiana Teacher Evaluations has 3 domains:
1. Planning and Preparation
2. The Classroom Environment
Louisiana wanted a new system because teachers were getting paid based on tenure and not performance. The Department of Education wanted teachers to get bonuses and raises based on performance. Teachers have a different Rubric for Students with disabilities.

              Evaluations are expensive and time consuming, it is important for administrators to allot
              funding for equipment and materials. Student report cards will be a part of my evaluation of
              the teacher. If the student has a below average grade, then I will have a conference with the
             teacher to see how she is going to differentiate instruction to meet grade-level objectives.


Monday, May 15, 2017

Innovative Strategies in Lesson Planning

The driving force of 21st century learning is the focus of preparing our young students to be successful in today’s world. The world is changing rapidly in our digital age and so are the needs of our students, are progressing as well. My lesson unit sparks creativity and innovation. Through my students I am made aware of contributions of scientist and inventors from other countries.

It is important for teachers to learn to speak the same languages as the kids they teach. Today this in this society is becoming is becoming more conversant with the technology, that comes so naturally to the young, integrating things your students are interested in is a great way to draw them in. Pay attention to current trends.

Education experts maintain that one of the most effective ways to make a lesson stick to involve the students directly. This is why we often see student skits or mock trials. Those hands-on activities can help transform a lesson into an experience. Get the students involved.

It is time for students-centered approaches. Cooperative learning is a teaching strategy in which studies of varying levels of ability work in small teams to accomplish a variety of learning activities; all with the end goal of improving overall understanding of a subject. Encourage interaction.

Sometimes connecting students with Real-World experts in a field gives them a glimpse of how their day-to-day learning can make a difference outside the walls of their classrooms.


Saturday, May 6, 2017



Standardized testing holds teachers and schools systems accountable. These tests guide teachers
to help them determine what to teach, when to teach, and they also give parents a good idea of how their children are doing as compared  to students across the country and locally.

Standardized tests create a lot of stress on both educators and students. Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) only focuses on whether a student is proficient at the time of testing. The success of schools is depending on the performance of their students.

More than 275 four-year colleges and universities do not use the SAT or ACT to admit substantial numbers of bachelor degree applicants. However, if a student is in need Federal funding, the SAT or ACT score is mandatory.

Educational Exams are  the: GED, ASVAB, TOEFL, ACT, and the SAT.
Through you can take  Practice exams free. For  those that are becoming teachers, they have Praxis exams are available also.

The threat to High Stakes testing is online and computer-based testing. In addition to annual Summative exams, students face more frequent tests, often integrated with instruction. The vision is promoted by many technology vendors. and proponents is of student learning material
selected by online or computer-based adaptive assessments. New Classrooms, Dream Box, and Realize It are learning platforms that promote continuous feedback.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Multicultural Perspectives

Through Multicultural Perspectives in the classroom, my student's will gain respect an appreciate cultural diversity.My lessons are filled with ideas to enhance creativity, critical thinking and innovation.The importance of scientific discovery and invention is important to everyday life and society.

My lessons promote the understanding of unique culture and ethic heritage. Unfortunately, some teachers, have not planned a multicultural lesson. Years ago, I worked with culturally diverse  students. They enjoyed the activities, collaborated and experienced how much they had in common.

We as educators must promote the development of culturally responsible and responsive curriculum.
As educators we must facilitate acquisition of attitude skills, and knowledge. Through Multicultural
lessons we can eliminate racism and discrimination in society, and achieve social, political, economic and educational equity.

In my lessons, students will realize that the accomplishments of the past and present can serve as pathfinders to present and future engineers and scientists. African American chemists, biologists, inventors, engineers, and mathematicians have contributed in both large and small ways; that can be overlooked when chronicling the history of science. By describing the scientific history of selected African American men and women we can see the efforts of individuals have advanced human understanding in the world around us. My students will research Scientist and Inventors accomplishment from their countries.

Garcia, E. Education In Your Classroom. (2013).