Saturday, May 27, 2017

Teacher Evaluations
The core purpose of Teacher Assessment and Evaluations should be to improve knowledge, skills, dispositions, and classroom practices of professional educators. The Assessment and Evaluations are done to contribute to Teachers’ Professional Growth and set the stage for improvements in teaching and learning.
According to the Rubric developed by InTASC, (Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium, there are 10 Model Core Teaching Standards:
1.      Learner Development
2.      Learner Differences
3.      Learning Environments
4.      Content Knowledge
5.      Application of Content
6.      Assessment
7.      Planning for Instruction
8.      Instructional Strategies
9.      Professional Learning and Ethical Practice
10.  Leadership and Collaboration.
According to the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System, the Category of 50% Student growth and 50% of the teacher evaluations. They also have an alternative system of evaluation, but it does or does not include Special Education Students.Their Alternative Teacher Evaluation system is 50% student growth, 35% Teacher Evaluation and 15% of other methods.

Louisiana Teacher Evaluations has 3 domains:
1. Planning and Preparation
2. The Classroom Environment
Louisiana wanted a new system because teachers were getting paid based on tenure and not performance. The Department of Education wanted teachers to get bonuses and raises based on performance. Teachers have a different Rubric for Students with disabilities.

              Evaluations are expensive and time consuming, it is important for administrators to allot
              funding for equipment and materials. Student report cards will be a part of my evaluation of
              the teacher. If the student has a below average grade, then I will have a conference with the
             teacher to see how she is going to differentiate instruction to meet grade-level objectives.


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