Saturday, May 6, 2017



Standardized testing holds teachers and schools systems accountable. These tests guide teachers
to help them determine what to teach, when to teach, and they also give parents a good idea of how their children are doing as compared  to students across the country and locally.

Standardized tests create a lot of stress on both educators and students. Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) only focuses on whether a student is proficient at the time of testing. The success of schools is depending on the performance of their students.

More than 275 four-year colleges and universities do not use the SAT or ACT to admit substantial numbers of bachelor degree applicants. However, if a student is in need Federal funding, the SAT or ACT score is mandatory.

Educational Exams are  the: GED, ASVAB, TOEFL, ACT, and the SAT.
Through you can take  Practice exams free. For  those that are becoming teachers, they have Praxis exams are available also.

The threat to High Stakes testing is online and computer-based testing. In addition to annual Summative exams, students face more frequent tests, often integrated with instruction. The vision is promoted by many technology vendors. and proponents is of student learning material
selected by online or computer-based adaptive assessments. New Classrooms, Dream Box, and Realize It are learning platforms that promote continuous feedback.

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